Arkaim Geometry (all sections updated 7-12-2018)

This blog initially described the geometry in the colored image below but grew into the study of the black and white more precise image in a book produced by Chelyabinsk State University indicating by technical analysis herein profound astronomical information in particular about Comet 1680, which isn’t a comet.  There is the potential for 2 billion people on earth to experience something like Armageddon when this huge object returns in 2256 AD. The remaining 5 billion people may be thrust backwards in time towards a Stone Age civilization with widespread fighting over food, not to mention the widespread earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis.

In these early efforts herein, it was not known where the information from the image was headed and there is just the initial attempt to show that the image represents something far more than a residence for ancient tribes.  The first articles are a little mathematically intense and one does not really need to study in detail for understanding but more of a history lesson as to how it came to attract attention for the more important efforts to follow.  In the beginning the objective was to show the image to be very technical.  Later the real message came thru regarding Comet 1680.

In the south Ural Mountains of Russia just north of the Kazakhstan border located at 52.649256 North and 59.57126228 East (for Google Earth) lies this very remarkable ancient construction made primarily of wood.  This site is far more complex than most have recognized so far.  And the image below is far more precise than one might expect.  The source of this colored background image is “Arkaim, 1987-1997” by D.G.Zdanovich. The book was published by Chelyabinsk State University. The original black and white image was hand drawn (shown far below).  The marks made herein are from a computer using Autosketch and are from a larger drawing made in layers.  Only one layer is turned on this first image below. The following initial section demonstrates the “discovery process” for the ultimate explanation in updates.


The width of the site in the image consists of the black line right and green line left and is exactly 10 x the latitude = 526.49256 feet in length and is drawn exactly horizontal in the drawing.  The vertical blue line is exactly north-south and sits on the longitude provided above and is the latitude plus 10 / e^(1/e) = 6.922006276 degrees.  Note that all lines initiate from a side of one of the background image orange legs.  Obviously, the north/south and east west lines are exactly 90 degrees with each other.

As a point of interest, as the north line crosses over the inner circular structure, the latitude is 52.6488541.  If a perfect circle has a diameter of 10 times that number, the area of that circle in square meters is exactly 161,803.3989 / 8 or phi x 12,500. The difference in width used of 526.49256 – 526.488541 would be .048 inch so not a significant portion in the scale factor.

Near the center marked in black there are five lines that all meet at the exact same location.  Two of the lines initiate from different portions of the side located at clock position 5 pm.  Just up two legs a dashed blue and dashed green line initiate from the same side.  The green line hits at the intersection of north-south and east-west.  The blue is one of the five lines at the black intersection.

Two lines obviously can intersect somewhere.  But for three or more lines to intersect at a single point requires some intellectual influence, particularly when the lines are this precise. And if that type of thing happens dozens of times, then it is for certain not an accident. One can see that the image becomes cluttered and almost unresolvable if too many lines are turned on in a single image. There are hundreds of lines, circles and features in the overall drawing.

Marked in dark red at an angle drawn of 34.8688464 from horizontal a line initiates from one side and terminates exactly on another side across the whole image, something unlikely to happen randomly. This drawn angle is exactly a very precise number of 4 x A^(4) = 4 x (1.718281828459)^ (4) .  This “A” number is natural log base 2.718281828459 minus one and is the result of summing to infinity 1/1 +   1/(2factorial) + 1/(3 factorial) ….etc to infinity.  The number three factorial is 3 x 2 x 1. This “A” number is used throughout the basic scientific discoveries for the last several centuries.  This is just one example of many precise angles discovered in the analysis.

If one looks closely at the straight sides, it is noted that all these legs have either a taper toward the narrow end pointing towards the center or they are obviously not tapered. Most of the tapered legs intersect somewhere towards the center or sometimes completely on the other side of the image.  A given leg has at least one straight edge on each side.  These straight edges can have two azimuths separated by 180 degrees; each azimuth has trigonometric functions, two lengths, the ability to intersect somewhere, an ability to go tangent past an object, an angle between them, and dimensionless ratios from simple division, conjugate ratios and a few more complex ratios.  Everything examined in the image was done with mathematical purpose.  The drawn lines are exact.  The reader decides whether they fit or not.

In the top quadrant, there are two green lines at an angle equal to the latitude at 52.649256. There are two blue lines at an angle of 66.28240216 and that will be discussed further below. The blue and the green lines all meet at a common point in the NE portion of the center court.

There are black circular figures in the north and west quadrants and primarily bluish figures in the south and east quadrants.  Most all the legs have knobs or protrusions on them.  These all have geometric meaning. It is clear that each quadrant has some type of system different from the other quadrants.

Two points define a line and therefore if there are three or more points on the line, then it is an indication of intellectual intention, particularly if there is detailed precision.  If three or more points in a line occur, then a line is drawn connecting the points.  If that line passes thru or tangent some other event, then more examination of that event is needed. It was found that often a perpendicular line drawn from the midpoint of the connecting line resulted in the discovery of some geometric relationship with some other event, perhaps on the far side of the site. In just moments the image becomes so cluttered with lines that it becomes difficult to focus on a few.

Three points determine a circle and if there are four or more points on the circle again it signals design intent with sufficient precision. A circle can do similar pointing using the perpendicular from the midpoint of each chord and also with the center of the circle.  Also the angles measured off the center defined by the chord can have meaning, particularly with dimensionless ratios. Any line has two azimuths and the azimuths can have trigonometric functions.

There are thousands of data points developed from just these larger geometric events.  The bumps or rectangular knobs on the legs present almost unlimited geometric relationships. In just the preliminary investigation there are too many relationships to discuss adequately.  Therefore, just the easiest ones are discussed herein. In the images to follow, the lines have been thickened in order to be visual and the scale shrunk to keep the image fitting on the website.  The actual drawing is very precise and very large scale for pinpoint locations of very fine lines.

Angle Discussion

It would appear that the use of the latitude as the green angle was designed to capture the attention of anyone studying the structure via an image such as this.  Therefore, one would be inclined to study the 66.28xxx angle and one option for an angle is to take the tangent of it.  The resulting tangent is 2.27616xxx and that is something one likely would take to the square root.  The resulting 1.5088xx is something that one would take the reciprocal and then you would notice the result is the same number as the original angle except shifted two decimals. In the second equation below, the reader can see this is a self-solving single equation and can be found easily in Mathcad or by trial and error on a calculator.

A second equation that is self-solving is to simply square the 66.2824xxx, take the reciprocal and shift the decimal four places to the right and note that it was the tangent used in the first equation.  This doubles the chance of being discovered even though they are essentially the same equation.

The bottom equation was discovered next as the 66.2824xxx was taken to the log 10 and followed by taking the natural log arriving at the 0.5996044 number which multiplied by 5 is very near the speed of light without all the zeros at 2.998022347.  Dividing by the speed of light to see how different it was produced a number 1.000032612 and then wanting to see the trailing numbers in more clarity, one is subtracted and then the reciprocal noted.  This number was divided by 2 eleven times (2048 as done with octaves in music) and yields 14.97244113 and that taken to 1/5 power is a number that probably I was the only one on earth that would recognize it at 1.718129 and I knew to multiply that by 1.2 to get 2.0617552.  From other work this number can be used to find the hydrogen hyperfine frequency of 1.42040575 by using the self-solving function of X^(1/x). See equation 1 below.

Now there are all the equations necessary to determine a precise speed of light via these self-solving equations.  One can see in equation 3 that the precise number rounds to the standard digits of 2.99792458 which resulted from committee work in the mid-1900s and was not some discover of fact. Other work being done on the Great Pyramid that required greater precision for the speed of light is similar to this precise number but not nearly so exact.


This whole affair seems to provide a reason why the Arkaim designer went to all the trouble to make a precise very technical diagram.  However, nothing could have come of it without a very accurate modern survey and a precise image developed.  There may be some chance that a person(s) like modern day savants could carry out this “complex puzzle mentality” without even knowing it but in most cases savants were not known to use scientific knowledge such as the gps we commonly use in these times. Perhaps these designing people had a closer spiritual relationship than we have in modern times.  Whatever the case, the geometry is in the image in all aspects. 

The first equation, x^ (1/x) = 1.42040575 (hydrogen hyperfine frequency) actually has two solutions and for some reason Mathcad does not give the second one at x= 3.816066xxxx but it can be easily programmed to find it.  For some reason, this equation peaks at natural log base = e=2.718281828 at a value of 1.44466786 which was used in the completion of the calculated longitude from the latitude.  One might think this a strange equation but the ratio of Mars solar distance to earth is pi ^(1/e) = 1.523671 and that value is very close to the actual 2000 epoch value. There may be some really important reason to study these equations yet to be discovered.

The remainder of the image analysis is pretty complex for the average reader. Just a few images are shown below to provide an insight into what can be done.  As further analysis develops, more posting will be made.

This update 5-12-2018 was made to add some later discoveries.

Top Quadrant

Note the black dots have more than two on a line and sometimes the line goes past one on the tangent.  The central dashed black circle goes tangential to six different cross bars on the legs. The chords of the black dashed circle can be drawn between the cyan and green lines and then from the midpoint of the chord draw a line perpendicular.  These perpendicular lines usually point at something significant.  For example, the top left points to the blue circle center on the east-west line.

 Northwest Quarter

Note the angle on the left between red lines thru the dots. The associated angle of (180 -169.1735029) = 10.8264971 divided by 20 and then taken to the power for natural log e=2.718281828 yields e-1 = 1.718281828 and that is the basis for the most abundant hydrogen wavelength of 1.215668 and 1.215674 that average 1.215671. These standard numbers become words in a technical sentence.

The yellow dashed lines demonstrate other features possible. The lower left shows three cyan lines that meet at a common point in the center of a room as determined by diagonals.


South Quarter

This quarter demonstrates what can be pointed to by lines drawn from some of the irregular straight surfaces. Note the dashed black lines go thru 5 or more corners of the bumps on the legs. Some of the sides of the regular legs point to dots or blue features in the central south.  The light blue opening angle is the longitude of the north-south blue line.


The East Quarter
The main feature of this quarter was covered in the beginning with the intersection of five lines.  Above those one can see some lines that seem to point at dots on the far left side. One can see that only a small percent of the total lines have been shown. It requires multiple file names in order to keep the lines separated and visual characteristics like angles, lengths and dimensionless ratios shown in separate images.



Center Section

The following two images are far from complete and are shown just to provide ideas about how features can be related. The choice of the color yellow was so it provided clarity from the black dot, but a different color would probably have been better.



The top and NW have a darker background shading and have most of the black dots.  The south and east have more of the bumps on the legs and has lighter shading.  There definitely is some type of different personality to the geometry in the two halves.


Most of the light purple irregular shapes have something pointing at them. Since there is no legend in the image available, what these things are is still to be researched in the literature as time permits.

Bumps on Legs

If one does not have the advantage of the Autosketch analysis you might think those bumps or rectangular knob-jobs are just random.  They are not random. Check out just one chart below. Green lines were drawn carefully on the south edge of each bump which seemed to show up better.  Then the north-south distance was put in with blue lines.  Then the data from the blue lines were put into a spreadsheet and plotted.  One can see the plot is anything but random.

The chart is far more intellectual than one might notice at first glance.  The blue line is the trace of the tops of a column chart.  Putting this diagram back into Autosketch, not only are the red and green lines parallel, but each line has a parallel and the angles are duplicated.  Further, using Autosketch area & perimeter function, the dimensionless ratio of perimeter squared divided by area can be reduced to 1.71829 which is spectacularly close to A=1.7182818.  This is definite proof of a “geometric system nature”.

Update 5-12-2018

Detailed Angle and Azimuth Analysis

Below is just a sample of the analysis on the Arkaim image.  As has been mention the longitude of the north-south cyan line is 59.5712623 and is also the angle of the opening below marked in orange.  That opening sets up the system for developing the adjacent angles and azimuths.


The yellow line is drawn at an azimuth of exactly 60 degrees and the cyan vertical line is exactly at 90 degrees or 270 degrees.  The two lines between them, one in green and one in blue are the examples to show a typical system.  The azimuth of the green line is developed from  (e / 10 x 256) = 69.5880148. (where e=2.71828… and 256 is 2^(8) ). Obviously the image is not precise enough to develop this relationship alone.  There must be other confirmation that it is an intentional design.  The blue line azimuth is the hf^(4) x 20 = 81.41036184 where hf = 1.420405752, the hydrogen fine frequency digits.  The line obviously hugs the straight surface of the leg but is far more precise than the image can prove.

The green line for the angle with the 60 degree yellow line is 9.5880148 and the blue line angle with the 90 degree cyan line is 8.5896382.  The dimensionless ratio of 9.5880148 to 8.5896382 is 1.116230344.  This number multiplied by 200 yields 223.2460688 and is similar to the square root of 5 at 2.236067 and is one of the initiating numbers for a system that goes to the message within the system.  The 10th root of the ratio yields an A-like number of 1.717427379.  If this number is multiplied by quantum number 0.96 (1-1/25) results in a number near the square root of e.  However, if the A-like number is instead divided by 40, taken to the square root, divided by hf=1.420405752 and then divided by 1.2, yields .121566952 which is remarkably close to the most abundant hydrogen wavelength digits of .1215668.  It would appear to demonstrate that the system wants to train observers on the relationship between mathematics and spectral wavelengths.  This appears to confirm that the azimuth precise design suggestion was intentional.

The blue angles near the longitude angle are all developed in a similar manner and have confirming secondary relationships.  The north-south cyan line not only goes thru two groups of multiple intersects, but also is an exact length of 292.4636926 feet developed from 10^(ls/hwt) where ls = light speed at 2.99792458 and hwt= 1.215668.

The angle 75.2146699 which is from the north opening surface down to the exact 60 degree azimuth yellow line when taken to the sine function and then taken to the 1/8th root then shift the decimal one place and take the square root again, yields 3.15563 which is quite similar to the 31,556,926 digits of the orbital period of earth around the sun in seconds for the tropical year.

The two sides of the leg including the north-south cyan line were measured as 2.017 degrees fairly reliably.  That caught my attention as 1.420405752 squared is 2.0175525. Taking the sine function of that angle and dividing by 20 yields 1.420226286.  Setting this up in MS Mathematics yields the solution below.


Astronomers use the Doppler Frequency shift in known elemental wavelengths to estimate how far away a given light source might be since the wavelengths for certain substances such as hydrogen have wavelengths in series which can be identified by their dimensionless ratio.  The equation below uses this ratio of light observed to the speed of light to calculate the relative motion.

1+z = sqrt((1+v/c)/(1-v/c)).

General Observations

Sometimes it pays to just step back and look for the obvious.  As a structural engineer, and as a youth raised in a log cabin and working with my father who was a master log builder, it is obvious Arkaim was not built to be a residence. About 25% of the internal square feet are taken up with walls and other obstacles for living space.  The wide end of the supposed rooms are generally less than 24 feet in span which is something a 9 inch log can span with enough strength to hold the snow load of that region.  The walls which I have dubbed herein as legs are around 10 feet in thickness on the wide end and still 4 feet wide on the narrow end which could be spanned easily by a smaller log.

If these legs or walls were supposed to hold up a roof, they are just about as poorly designed and ineffectively implemented as is imaginable.  They require far more materials than is remotely logical. Why would anybody want thick walls to separate neighbors who have open access on the inner area with so-called streets?

There are over 200 straight-line surfaces involved with the legs.  As pointed out above, these straight surfaces can initiate lines which intersect or react with other features.  It seems abundantly clear that the purpose of the site is to have somebody in the distant future survey it and create the image that was created and analyzed herein.  The geometric interaction creates essentially an encyclopedia of relationships.

The outer wall is sometimes 30-40 feet in thickness and people have speculated this was for security from battering rams and other ancient weaponry.  There is a moat beyond the outer wall speculated to be further protection.  However, a far more likely use of the moat is to protect the structure from wildfires perhaps started by lightning. Since the inhabitants were thought to only live there a relatively short time, the moat probably went dry and was consumed with grass and other combustible brush and trees which would carry the fire to the structure.

Since the ultimate result was a survey and image creation, apparently it didn’t matter that much that it burned down.  If there was a roof with any type of moisture penetration protection, nothing appears to have survived to tip off the investigators.  The book referenced is in Russian and the scanned images are being translated via OCR at this time. There should have been some serious notches indicating a roof connection in the surviving logs at least in some locations no matter how intensely it may have burned.  The Russians doing the investigation seemed more intensely interested in “proving it a Russian creation” than doing analysis of the facts.

It is not all that hard in theory to create a straight surface even 80+ feet in length.  Continuing the straight surface around the bumps would not be all that difficult either.  However, finding straight logs or cutting them with one straight surface would be another story.  Today we do that surfacing with sawmills but it is not clear how the builders in this case kept things straight.  It is not clear how the surface stayed straight thru joints since 80 foot trees might be hard to find in the area.  It could be the straightness came from the drafter who maybe just connected two points from a survey. In any case, the geometry did result abundantly.  Straight lines do not develop related azimuths and angles without intellectual intent.

The effort will be ongoing perhaps for years to determine some other systems.

Stay tuned for many posts to come.  Check out other posts from my profile.

Jim Branson

Retired Professional Engineering Manager

Update 5-15-2018 (discovery of Comet 1680)

South Details

Using finer lines but still visible, one can see something like 14 lines have a common center including both sides of the taper on the left portion of the south quadrant. Inside that group is a very important triangle made up of the north-south blue line; the northeasterly cyan line at exactly 60 degree azimuth (horizontal = 0); and two dashed lines at right angle to the cyan line which makes a 30-60-90 degree triangle.


The blue dashed line is slightly above the green dashed line at 142.0405752 feet from the common center.  The other sides of the 30-60-90 triangle are from the formula using 1.420xxxx^(6)  along with the appropriate multiplier for the triangle.  The multiplier for the  hypotenuse is 20 and the short leg is 10. The shifted frequency is then 1.420066323 to complete the 30-60-90 triangle. This didn’t result in anything.

The green dashed line construction uses 1.420405752 in the sixth power equations for the hypotenuse and short leg but makes the cyan long leg 142.2443904.

This last relation becomes independent of the image or the drafter.  It says in a 30-60-90 triangle if you plug in hf^(6) values for the hypotenuse and short leg, the long leg is exactly the number given.

Whenever the frequency indicated is less than 1.420405752 it suggests two bodies moving away from each other.  Whenever greater, suggests they are moving towards each other. The Doppler shift formula was given earlier.

From the website, information from published articles written during the presence of the Comet 1680 indicates they thought it was traveling 1,200,000 miles per hour. I assume that is when the comet is in tight orbit around the sun and moving with the solar system so that the solar system velocity is not part of the calculation and it would no longer be accelerating. That number converted to meters per second yields the following equation and velocity for the Doppler equation.

          1,200,000 mi/hr x 1.609344 km/mi  x 1000 meter/km  / 3600 sec per hr =

          536448 meters per second for the observed velocity

The Doppler equation repeated below:

          1+z = sqrt((1+v/c)/(1-v/c))  where v is the observed speed and c the speed of light.

          Multiplied by 1.420405752 =   1.422949701 compares to 1.422443904

Given the lack of precision for the estimated speed, that is about as close to a direct hit as one could hope for. There is some evidence from ice samples of a major calamity and potential deluge around the year 8100 BC. If we add 1680 and divide by 575.5 we see it almost exactly 17 cycles of the Comet 1680.

Comet 1680 didn’t cause any floods in 1680-1681 but it appears like it dramatically impacted the magnetic effects of the sun from -35 before 1680 to +35 after leaving the sun. This is called the Maunder Minimum. One can see below that the sunspots nearly disappeared for 70 years.


If the Arkaim Image is indicating something about Comet 1680, then there should be other evidence confirming it.  I now remember the number 1.42244 coming up numerous times but can’t remember where they all were.  Here is the most obvious second example.

This is the inner section and the azimuth from the outer end towards the center is the azimuth 142.2443904 / 2 = 71.1221952 drawn exactly.  The angle 29.6754456 is the result of 1.3125^(4) x 10 where again 1.3125 is the primary dimensionless ratio of the most abundant hydrogen series extent mentioned earlier .  The angle 99.4692708 is the result of the arcos ( -2 / 12.15668) where 12.15668 is the most abundant hydrogen wavelength.

Note there are five lines again that meet at the dark blue intersection and four cyan lines have a common intersection.  Everything has some type of scientific relationship to confirm extreme precision, far beyond what the image can provide. The distance between the two intersections is within 0.013 inch of a number from 2.061755294 mentioned earlier.

This should be enough to convince the doubting reader until more evidence is discovered.  The search continues to find other collaborating evidence for the Arkaim Site Design.

Knowhow at1 ctcweb dot1 net

Jim Branson

Arkaim Science Update 5-19-2018

Finally now with my own copy of “Arkaim:1987-1997” by D.G.Zdanovich published in 1999 by Chelyabinsk State University more precise analysis can be completed on the new image below.  It now is clear that the image in that book was drawn on paper by a draftsman…a damn good one at that.  When a draftsman makes a circle thru a template with holes in it, there is a tendency for the starting point and ending point to be a little thicker because the pencil is leaning a different direction at starting and ending.  Also the hashing is very irregular manually while very uniform in a computer application like ACAD.  The final determination is that for whatever reason, the colored version erased some of the categorical numbering and they didn’t get it all completely erased.

The north arrow in the figure below is magnetic north and not true north.  The scale shown at the bottom right is off substantially from current Google Earth measurements and stated overall widths of the site.


Below is the first example of scientific aptitude in the new image. In the middle stretching from smaller circular image at the top and down to the small circular bottom (12am to 6am) shown in thick lines for visibility, one can see the lines that are discussed in detail.


The image below demonstrates the scientific nature of the image above.  In the very top the large thick leg clearly demonstrates “an interest” in azimuths. The image suggests 271.8 and it doesn’t take a genius to think it might mean 271.8281828.  Then when the centerline of the leg is 270.1 it doesn’t take a super smart fellow to think it might mean 270.0000000.

At the very bottom of the centerline at azimuth 270.00000, lines are drawn to fit against the straight sides of the 6am leg. One is precisely at 271.8281828 azimuth and the other at the azimuth developed from 1.21566795 at 270.6637386. The difference is 1.164442 and from other work it is known that one should take the square root and divide by 2 and then by pi to reach a number that will easily go back to a 1.2156 type number using the hydrogen fine frequency 1.42040575.  In short, this makes another self-solving equation where the hydrogen wavelength is both an input and an output.  At least that is where it appeared to be going.  It turned out that it wanted the most abundant wavelength as an input in the upper right portion and then the second most abundant wavelength as the output. Neither wavelength is known that precisely.


There is nothing in this analysis that requires a scale of the image or measurements other than 4 digit suggestions that check out with redundancy using the precise numbers.  The wavelength developed from hydrogen frequencies are actually not a fine line, but are a curve in which there has become a sort of standard where to place the seven digit precision of 1.215668 and 1.215674.  However, in other work mathematical relationships suggest a more precise standard of suggestion.

The blue line length is a simple function of an independent number but is also seven digits of the neutron/ electron dimensionless mass ratio at 1.838683363.  The left red line length is the hydrogen fine frequency to the 5th power times the proton/electron dimensionless mass ratio. The fact these two ratios occur next to each other does not sound random.

More to come.  Please see my profile for other blogs

Knowhow at1 ctcweb dot1 net

Jim Branson

Retired Professional Engineering Manager

Update 5-20-18

In the inner circular area at clock position 7pm on the second image below, there is a dashed blue and green line running at comet azimuth (142.2443904 / 2) = 71.1221952 (zero is east).  It makes an angle of 59.5774725 which is really close to the Arkaim longitude of 59.57126228 and it would have been easy to make that the design criteria.  That would have been a big mistake. Why would that longitude be repeated when the entrance already has it?

Google Earth shows the larger longitude to be just east of the site about a quarter mile along the river.  The azimuth 71.12219152 intersects a true north azimuth from that longitude at a huge sign in the earth shown in the first image below.  While there are a few farm images showing on GE, none of them are anything like this one.  The white line is clearly visible the entire length.  The orbital path shown in yellow is visible on most of the straight sections but not visible on the circular ends but certainly is implied from the white line.

Anybody intelligent enough to put this system together would have to compensate for the likelihood that future farmers might cause some destruction to the “visible image”.  It seems likely they put something into the soil perhaps to discourage foliage or chemicals that can be traced with chemical analysis. This could be as simple as an excavation such as exists near Chelyabinsk.

For this to be resolved may require some boots on the ground.  There are clearly some agricultural activities across the river but nothing like that near this “orbital image”.


Let us temporarily switch to the image below to the inside angle below the green longitude in blue as 14.9597986 which are the digits from the earth/sun distance or the astronomical unit.  The perimeter of the orbital distance marked in yellow above is 149,597,985.6 / 100,000 x 8 =11,967.83885 feet, obviously not that precise. Natural log base (2.718281828 / pi X500 ) ^(1/2) divided into the perimeter yields 575.38485 which is very close to the real number of 575.5 years for the orbital period of Comet 1680. 

The white line is 6180.3 feet in length which is 10,000/phi.  From the two body formula relating orbital period with semi-axis:

          T = 2 * pi * sqrt [ a^3 / (G * (M1 + M2) ] where T is in seconds, a semi-axis in meters, G std gravitation constant and M1 and M2 are the two masses, in this case Comet 1680 and the sun.

The calculated semi-axis is 2 * 10^(13) / phi when the period from the first calculation of 575.38485 years converted to seconds is used for T. The mass of Comet 1680 comes from other measurements on the Arkaim Image much further below. The semi-axis yielded in AU is 82.636.  These results to do not have to be precise or even correct.  It is just the “communication system” the construction folks used.



There are several recorded comet events that Dr. Edmund Halley argued that might be one and same comet, namely Comet 1680.  One occurred 46.5 BC, the second about 529 AD, the third 1105 AD and of course the 1680 AD.  These are all about 575 years apart.  The more precise value of 575.5 comes from a special source to be discussed later.

There are several recorded comet events that Dr. Edmund Halley argued that might be one and same comet, namely Comet 1680.  One occurred 44 BC, the second about 531 AD, the third 1106 AD and of course the 1680 AD.  These are all about 575 years apart.  The more precise value of 575.5 comes from a special source to be discussed later.

The earth/sun orbital distance shouts “orbit”.  The elliptical curvature shouts “comet”. Those two factors ought to get our attention and there is almost no comet more historically significant than Comet 1680 so we ought to be looking for further signs.

The calculation of the orbit of Comet 1680 is complicated due to the path it takes thru something similar to the Kuiper Belt where frequent collisions alter the gravity the Comet 1680 might encounter.  These changes in the orbit dramatically impact how much effect the comet has on earth mechanics, not the least of which is distortion of the crust and the oceans perhaps causing a deluge in local areas but not the entire earth at a single pass.  That may explain why most ancient cultures had the deluge in their scripture but life was not totally wiped out at any one time.  A three mile deflection in the local crust could easily explain the potential for Noah’s Ark to sit atop a 14,000 ft peak in Iran. The deluge cannot be explained by excessive rain because the water would still be here.

One must not think of the earth as a solid rock but more like a balloon.  The floating surface we live on is only a few miles thick and maintains strength in only the outer 10 miles or so.  The typical balloon has a thickness of say 0.005 inch when inflated to say 5 inches.  The ratio of skin thickness to diameter is then .005 / 5 = .001.  The earth’s crust has a structurally effective thickness of say 10 miles and the diameter of the earth is 8000 for a comparable ratio of 10/8000 = .00125.

Moving on now, the nested red angles on the right are all standard derived azimuths and angles. The entourage of red lines seems to point at the intersection of the blue package. The angle 24.41989483 ^(4) x 1 /5,000 = 142.2443904 which is the comet Doppler shift number mentioned earlier.

The inside red angle 18.4190505 x 1000 /32 = 575.5953281 which again is close to  the period of Comet 1680.  Modern day astronomers currently lean toward a much longer period but admit they don’t really know and none is given in Wikipedia. The Jet Propulsion Lab folks wouldn’t include Comet 1680 in the “Small Bodies Group” if they hadn’t assumed Comet 1680 was a small body which is an entirely different calculation from the “two body” program. The actual angle is produced from (86,400 times pi / 100,000) squared x 25/10 =18.4190505

The evidence is mounting that Arkaim is as a minimum some type of time capsule warning mankind to start putting together a plan to deal with Comet 1680’s return in 2256.  There may be suggestions as to how to deal with it.  An effort will be initiated to find perhaps the manipulation of asteroids to be available to deflect the path of Comet 1680 permanently to miss earth sufficiently to minimize detrimental results, not maybe far from where it passed in 1680.

Perhaps the Chelyabinsk meteor of 2013 was a warning we should take seriously.  It also was undetected because of its path near the sun just before impact.

Click on my profile to see other blogs.

Knowhow at1 ctcweb dot1 net

Jim Branson

Update 5-22-2018

The Comet 1680 period of 575.5 years was tortured with several regularly used constants to see if work completed weeks ago may have developed this period and it was stunning what developed.  In the northwest portion of the inner circular portion of the image, there seemed to be a more precise circle that could be defined by three points marked with a short light blue line in the image below.  The circle was drawn in dashed red and made thick for visibility.  The portion that was engaged with the circle was marked by a dashed straight red line and measured at 97.3198902.

There are several recorded comet events that Dr. Edmund Halley argued that might be one and same comet, namely Comet 1680.  One occurred 44 BC, the second about 531 AD, the third 1106 AD and of course the 1680 AD.  These are all about 575 years apart.  The more precise value of 575.5 comes from a special source to be discussed later.

The earth/sun orbital distance shouts “orbit”.  The parabolic curvature shouts “comet”. Those two factors ought to get our attention and there is almost no comet more historically significant than Comet 1680 so we ought to be looking for further signs.

The calculation of the orbit of Comet 1680 is complicated due to the path it takes thru something similar to the Kuiper Belt where frequent collisions alter the gravity the Comet 1680 might encounter.  These changes in the orbit dramatically impact how much effect the comet has on earth mechanics, not the least of which is distortion of the crust and the oceans perhaps causing a deluge in local areas but not the entire earth at a single pass.  That may explain why most ancient cultures had the deluge in their scripture but life was not totally wiped out at any one time.  A three mile deflection in the local crust could easily explain the potential for Noah’s Ark to sit atop a 14,000 ft peak in Iran. The deluge cannot be explained by excessive rain because the water would still be here.

One must not think of the earth as a solid rock but more like a balloon.  The floating surface we live on is only a few miles thick and maintains strength in only the outer 10 miles or so.  The typical balloon has a thickness of say 0.005 inch when inflated to say 5 inches.  The ratio of skin thickness to diameter is then .005 / 5 = .001.  The earth’s crust has a structurally effective thickness of say 10 miles and the diameter of the earth is 8000 for a comparable ratio of 10/8000 = .00125.

Moving on now, the nested red angles on the right are all standard derived azimuths and angles. The entourage of red lines seems to point at the intersection of the blue package. The angle 24.41989483 ^(4) x 1 /5,000 = 142.2443904 which is the comet Doppler shift number mentioned earlier.

The inside red angle 18.4190505 x 1000 /32 = 575.5953281 which again is close to  the period of Comet 1680.  Modern day astronomers currently lean toward a much longer period but admit they don’t really know and none is given in Wikipedia. The actual angle is produced from (86,400 times pi / 100,000) squared x 25/10 =18.4190505

The evidence is mounting that Arkaim is as a minimum some type of time capsule warning mankind to start putting together a plan to deal with Comet 1680’s return in 2256.  There may be suggestions as to how to deal with it.  An effort will be initiated to find perhaps the manipulation of asteroids to be available to deflect the path of Comet 1680 permanently to miss earth sufficiently to minimize detrimental results, not maybe far from where it passed in 1680.

The larger asteroids Ceres and Pallas have published orbital mechanics that may be embedded as a signal to look deeper.  We shall see.

Perhaps the Chelyabinsk meteor of 2013 was a warning we should take seriously.  It also was undetected because of its path near the sun just before impact.

Click on my profile to see other blogs.

Knowhow at1 ctcweb dot1 net

Jim Branson

Update 5-22-2018

The Comet 1680 period of 575.5 years was tortured with several regularly used constants to see if work completed weeks ago may have developed this period and it was stunning what developed.  In the northwest portion of the inner circular portion of the image, there seemed to be a more precise circle that could be defined by three points marked with a short light blue line in the image below.  The circle was drawn in dashed red and made thick for visibility.  The portion that was engaged with the circle was marked by a dashed straight red line and measured at 97.3198902.


If that angle is taken to the sine function it yields 0.991850272 and then if that number is multiplied by 100 and the square root taken twice, you end up with a number like 3.15581495 which is highly recognizable as the Sidereal earth year 31,5581,495 divided by 86,400 seconds per day or 365.25636 days.

In the torture of the 575.5 comet period number, it was found that 1.420405752 ^(3) divided into the 575.5 yielded the reciprocal of the Sidereal year:

          {1000 / [575.5 / (1.42040575^(3) ) / 2] }^(1/2)  /.00864 =365.2558873

It didn’t take a lot of genius to go the other way and establish the potential Comet 1680 period at 575.4985108 and the angle at 97.3198902.  Now there needs to be something else that tends to confirm this analysis.

The red dashed circle has a radius of 157.7907494 feet and when doubled as in finding the perimeter, it is 315.5814988 and that multiplied by 100,000 and divided by 86,400 yields 365.25636.  Of course one cannot measure anywhere that close but you can easily get 365.25 and I guess in 575.5 years we don’t really care about a month here and there. J

In all likelihood, the real number for Comet 1680 period is probably 575 to 576 years, but that range doesn’t fit in this model.  It looks like one begins to see the lines move away from the image outside the range 575.3 to 575.7 years.
More to come.
Knowhow at1 ctcweb dot1 net
Jim Branson
Update 5-29-2018
If the readers in their high school experience were destined toward some type of college degree, particularly technical, they probably took trigonometry.  One brief chapter would have included a discussion of “spherical coordinates” compared to “rectangular coordinates”, those we typically use in most everything we examine. Spherical Coordinates use two angles and a radius to define the location of anything.
Unless one had the misfortune of pursuing something involving astronomy, spherical coordinates may never have been examined again. Astronomy has the added misfortune of having computer software skip thru domination of programming language such as FORTRAN, specialized astronomy software, C++ and Basic from our good man Bill Gates in the 1980s.  As universities began to introduce computer software more and more into astronomy topics, programming details such as trigonometric events such as degrees, radians and trigonometric functions like sine, cosine and tangent began to add a level of confusion for astronomy students who simply wanted answers and not a lesson in programming detail.
The Yale Bright Star Catalogue was accessed and the compressed catalogue was downloaded and portions put into an Excel Spreadsheet.  The data such as the Ursa Major and Minor (Big Dipper and Little Dipper) and then that data mathematically manipulated with trigonometric functions for the inclusion in an Autosketch drawing.
Unless the reader has had some serious encounter with this type of data, it may be a challenge to follow what is going to come regarding Arkaim.  Anyone looking at the Arkaim image can see it is totally dominated by straight lines at various angles, or azimuths, and also tapering lines defining the internal walls of the structure.
The first observation could conclude that the ancients didn’t opt for the simple construction using a common center and then radial lines from that point. However, you are about to discover how this image is far more complex than such a simple idea and it has to be in order to complete the function it was designed to convey.
Without the use of Autosketch to draw lines from one area across to the other side, one would not know that various lines are interconnected.  You would not know that multiple lines intersect at a common point and that point of some significance to a data event on the near or the opposite side, but most times not directly thru some overall center.  But there is one very important center where the true north-south line meets the true east-west line.
In the astronomy world, there are two important names that are angles.  Right ascension could be compared with earth longitude and declination could be compared to latitude.  And the radius could be the earth equatorial radius.  The data is organized such that the radius is not really used since all the data has the same radius even though the stars are far from a similar distance.  One can envision a magical spherical shell up overhead in the sky and all the stars are simply referenced by the two angles where right ascension is the horizontal component and declination is the angle from the vertical axis or easily converted to the horizontal plane.
Far and above the Comet 1680 events, the Arkaim Image is a huge star chart laid out in a horizontal plane.  It required a little experimentation to find the system, but once found the Little Dipper (Ursa Minor = UMI) shows very precise attributes.  The discovery came from trying to find the North Star (Polaris) declination of 89.264217 shown with two lines (two separate stars with near the same declination).  Zero point is the east-west line on the east side and the angle is measured counter-clockwise.
The reader can see the precision is mind boggling as it hits at the center of the blue dashed circle.  It is not obvious why some hit near the center and others seem to be tangent. Only the red one seems to be in between center and tangent but is very close.

However, one must keep in mind that the surveyor and reflector holder likely did not actually carefully mark the center of the circle in some cases.  If the survey was completed in 1995 era, they should have been using laser equipment positioned so they had a view from the center court area into the many rooms.  Whatever method they used, it appears to have been very precise in most cases.  From the translation of the Russian book it is not clear how deep they might have excavated the wells and fire pits. If a surveyed hole is excavated, it is not clear how anybody could find the center.

The right ascension angles are shown below for the Little Dipper.  These angles are given in the Yale Bright Star Catalogue as angles greater than 200 degrees.  The angles below are measured clockwise from the west half of the east-west zero line. The precision again is mind boggling.  The reader can see that sometimes there are multiple events that seem to line up, such as the dark green dashed line headed down at about clock time 5:30. The line skirts the right edge of the leg which has eleven knobs.  The Yale B.S.C. actually lists 9 stars, two cannot be seen without telescope as they are hidden by other brighter stars. They also do not list stars of lesser brightness.  Note that the knobs are variable in length which might be an indication of brightness to be determined later.



There are 39 circles in the outer ring and 51 in the inner ring for a total of 90.  The effort on the Big Dipper is ongoing but showing similar results.  The total resolution will be months if not years away.

The first efforts failed because it was thought that the star data would have been appropriate for the times in 2000 BC or earlier.  Apparently, the builders were able to judge about when my discovery would happen and that I would be using 2000 AD epoch data. The data does not change a lot in a century or two because the biggest impact on the data is the change in obliquity of the earth axis which is on a 41,000 year cycle.  But over a period of 4000 years, there would be more significant changes.

It now seems a certainty that this site is something far beyond a residence and likely was only occupied while being constructed. It is hoped the local Russian residents will forget about the political quibbling and get on with more advanced examinations.

Stay tuned. Please see other blogs listed under profile.

Knowhow at1 ctcweb dot1 net

Jim Branson

Update June 12, 2018 The Comet Returns

If the Arkaim Site was designed to tell modern man about the return of Comet 1680 in the year 2256 or beyond, then there should be something in the image that gives us directions to enhance that. The reader cannot possibly understand the rigors of complexity that was explored trying to find what that relationship might be.  It even included a clock with the short hand pointing to the inner straight line edges and the big hand using the outer lines. The problem was thinking there was a common center. But something much simpler resulted.
The better part of luck came along and the main focus centerline running east and west was set as 2256 AD marked below in blue with a heavy blue underline on the central right side of the image.  My thinking was that there should be a line at 57.55 degrees ccw of that (paralleling the width being 10 times the latitude) and there was a green line for the 1680 AD azimuth which then bolstered the search.  With Autosketch one can draw a line of a certain azimuth and then click on it and slide it around and see if it matches up with any of the edges, hopefully only one.  And it did so very nicely.  Going in the ccw direction was just an accidental first choice but was following the star chart example. In the subsequent two dozen suggested azimuths, there was never a case where there wasn’t one that fit nicely and never a case where two or more fit even close.  That is a solid indication of “design intent”.
The probability of any azimuth matching one of the edges is 8 chances in 88 or one in eleven.  For two dozen “accidental” fits in series is like one in 10^(24).  It is mindboggling that the image can be that precise. And stunning that the survey was that accurate and that it could be found this easily. It speaks reams to the creational beauty.
The lines are drawn very precisely at the azimuth based on the calculation of the period of 57.55 degrees per cycle.  The reader must decide whether they fit enough for their curiosity.

The next leg ccw was 2 times 57.55 at 1104.5 AD location (azimuth 115.1 measured from zero=east).   One must remember that Comet 1680 came at the end of 1680 and departed in early 1681 so the angles vary depending on your choice of the cycle month so to speak.  Since the cycle is 575. 5, the 0.5 can move the year around a bit.

There needs to be something that indicates some events are more destructive than others and I wondered how the 1104.5 AD event was not particularly noticeable in recorded history.  Then it was recalled that this destructive event only occurs on a portion of the earth for a single visit and not much was being recorded in written history for our modern times from the Americas.  However, in the Americas there was a lot of cave painting around that era that suggests something really impressive happened.  In the image above it is believed by some archeologists that something major happened in the Middle East 2348 BC era.  There is an apparent impact crater at Umm al Binni Lake in southern Iraq which was thought to have been the source of the event but it may have only been a piece that fell from the path of Comet 1680 which passed near earth that  year. There are Biblical studies that develop 2348 BC as the date of the Noah’s Ark event.

There is also evidence from some very intelligent folks that believe the Biblical deluge happened in the year 8104 BC era.  These are both in the top portion of the image where the constructed image is noticeably heavier with larger knobs on the legs. (see the labels in black and underlined in heavy black)

One should notice that the cyan events seem to converge on the cyan circle center while the blue events converge on the blue circle center.  The actual 1680 event in green converges with only two other events at the green circle and we know that the 1680 event wasn’t particularly impressive again for the recorded world.  If the blue circle events contain the 2256 event, then we might conclude it might be lesser destructive than the cyan events for the recorded world. Some of the top heavy events are into the future and were not shown to reduce the clutter.

The key to Comet 1680 influence is in the precision of the 0.5 in the 575.5 year cycle. If the 1680 visit was relatively mild then that was likely a visit whereby the Comet 1680 approached the sun when the earth was on the opposite side.  A half year cycle would place the earth next time on the same side of the sun as the approaching Comet 1680, making it possible for a near earth event coming and going.

There must be some slight deviation from the 0.5 portion of the cycle since it appears that about every 6-8 cycles there is a larger event and every 17 cycles maybe a horrendous event.  It seems likely that a computer solution would perhaps nail down the cycle better.  However, in Halley’s Comet the cycle can vary by several years and the base cycle is only 75 years. The primary data is below.
But there is little doubt that this image intended the use of 57.55 and not any other angle.

In other words, if you have an image with no written description of its purpose, what are the chances that you draw a couple dozen lines at precise azimuth provide in the chart above and they all fit a straight edge on the image?  It is virtually impossible to occur accidentally. The only variable in the data is 57.55.

As mentioned earlier, the earth’s crust is like a big balloon and a deflection of the structural thickness about 3 miles would not be unusual, thereby allowing Noah’s ark to sit atop Mt. Ararat at 14,000 feet. That would not mean that animals and plants in the Americas would have been impacted to extinction. However, the cave paintings indicate that the American Indians surely were worried about something. One might wonder if the very high altitude Peruvian, Tibetan and Nepalese residents were left relatively safe. Living at high altitudes on earth might be a better idea than meets the eye at first glance.
A comet generally has a huge elliptical shape and the path at the aphelion is during the slowest speed and is thereby most impacted by gravimetric events related to the nearby other small comets and asteroid-like encounters. The probability of some type of influence is much higher and far more complicated to calculate.
So what is the significance of the cyan lines meeting at one place and the blue another and green still another? My interpretation is that this categorizes the periodic returns according to destructive powers, the cyan being the most destructive in the recorded world. But now the recorded world has shifted a bunch from the Middle East to the Americas and even China and Australia. With seven billion people instead of a few hundred million, the impact due to tsunamis and other secondary events, billions of people surely will be at risk. We may not have to worry about over population after 2256. Just think how the world has changed since 1680, or actually from or from 2347 BC when perhaps the last major deluge occurred. It is something to take seriously.
Knowhow at2 ctcweb dot2 net
Jim Branson
A corroboration story will be posted soon.


Update June 18, 2018

The ice data below from Greenland ice drilling below comes from and clearly shows a very periodic nature to earth temperature variations.  There are two main means for earth temperatures to change: 1) variations in solar output, and 2) earth atmospheric changes impacting the energy received from the sun.  One of the means to change the transparency of the earth atmosphere is the eruptions of volcanoes.

However, in checking all the major volcanoes there is nothing like the periodic cycles above.  Volcanoes of more recent times erupt far more frequently or nearly not at all like the Yellowstone super volcano on something like a 700,000 year cycle. By far the most volcanoes are around the Pacific Plate on the ring of fire.
One can see that every three visits from Comet 1680 appears to cause a major change in earth temperature, either increasing or decreasing temperature.  That may be good news for 2256 AD since that is only the second cycle since the last group of 3 which was during the Little Ice Age. But since visit 2256 is in the blue group and not the green group like 1680, it could well be much more severe than the 1680 visit.
Whether a volcano is going to erupt usually depends mostly on what is happening under the crust in the liquid lava.  There are huge lava currents that cycle somewhat randomly but could be disturbed by any periodic gravimetric event such as Comet 1680.
In red bars the periodic nature of Comet 1680 is marked in 575.5 year spaces from 1680 back to the left where the next to last mark is 8104 BC which is thought by some to be the Biblical deluge. One can see the earth temperatures were making a huge recovery and then were abruptly stopped by that Comet 1680 visit.  After that the data clearly shows that with each pass of Comet 1680, something significant happened in and around that time.  Since the Comet 1680 does not follow the exact same path on each visit and the earth is rotating, it is likely the gravimetric influence might impact different areas of the earth crust and hence different volcanoes.  Since most of earth is covered in water, tidal events out in the oceans would go largely unnoticed.
But there is good reason to believe that Comet 1680 also dramatically impacts the sunspots on the sun and thereby the amount of radiation that reaches earth.  Comet 1680 reportedly had a huge tail before and after leaving the sun area and this tail was thought to be highly charged particles.  It no doubt had some major impact on the plasma of the solar system which in turn could have had some impact on the solar output.  The 1680 visit corresponds to the exact middle of the Maunder Minimum which had extremely low sunspot activity 35 years before and 35 years after the 1680 visit.
This analysis coupled with the Arkaim Site analysis yields a strong suggestion that what happens with Comet 1680 is very important to earth mankind and the sooner we get working on solving the problem, the better chance we have to survive.
Knowhow at2 ctcweb dot2 net
Jim Branson
Retired Professional Engineering Manager
Update 6-30-2018

The Size & Mass of Comet 1680

A typical comet image such as Hale-Bopp below has a relatively small body of ice and other gas producing materials such that when heated by the sun causes a tail to be formed and shaped by the solar wind. The body itself is totally hidden as suggested by the drawn black oval in the image below.  After examining hundreds of photos, this image seems fairly representative of most comets. The most intense vaporizing occurs at the leading edge which faces the sun. This image is thru a telescope and is much enlarged than what I saw with the naked eye on its last visit. It is the shape that is important.




The Comet 1680 image below is totally different from most comets.  In several artistic paintings such as the one below from Wikipedia, the comet head is thicker than the tail and the head is huge compared to the sun.  We know the apparent size of the sun from eclipse photos of the moon which we can look at for a given location.  If the sun were painted into the image below, its proper size would be only marginally larger than the comet head. One can see that the comet head is about three times the size of the stars.

In order for the image to be realistic, the scenario at the bottom of the image above must be occurring for the painting.  The comet is being observed from the darken side of the earth just before sun up when the stars are bright and the horizon shows the sun is about to rise.  This means the comet has gone around the sun at perihelion and is heading back into space.  So the comet is further from the earth than the sun where it would appear smaller than if it were painted just seconds after pulling out of the glare of the sun.
The earth radius, not to scale here, is 1/109 the solar radius.  If a hypothetical second earth was radiant enough and placed near the sun at the comet position, its apparent size would be just the 1/109th fraction of the sun diameter.  If it were viewed thru appropriate dark lenses, the radiant earth would be a mere fraction of the sun, likely barely visible even if very bright.
This is a painting and therefore the artist needed to emphasize the comet but so did other painters and all show the comet size far bigger than normal comets and the tail at the head smaller than the head.  That is just the opposite in the Hale-Bopp image.
Back to the Arkaim Image
Just when I think I have gleaned all that I can from the Arkaim Image, something new comes along.  From a story written by somebody who could know, there is a suggestion that Comet 1680 was originally a dark star in a far off system and through very unusual circumstances was flung into our solar system a few million years ago.  This suggests that the mass might be far larger than what a normal comet would be. But how in the world could the image discuss the mass of something totally unknown?
My early thoughts were that the mass of the sun would have to be indicated and then the earth positioned beside that and then maybe the Comet 1680 mass might be in between.  But how do you show the mass of the sun some 1.9885 x 10^(30) kg? Even earth at 5.97237 x 10^(24) kg is a rather large number.  So I took the log10 of each number and decided to try that azimuth up clockwise from the west end of the horizontal line, parallel to the Comet 1680 visits and Little Dipper analysis.
The log10 of the solar mass is 30.298525 and the azimuth measured from zero=due east would be (180-30.298525) = 149.7014 and that line in red dash is marked “solar mass” below.  The second line below that is representative of the “earth mass” and is at an azimuth of 155.224 and the “Comet 1680 mass” is marked at 149.854 which would indicate the Comet 1680 mass is about 70% of the mass of our sun. That is not the only indication of the mass of Comet 1680.


The Comet 1680 mass line and the earth mass line meet not just anyplace but precisely on the edge of a leg on the inner circle just east of the 2831.5 AD blue dashed line at clock position 5pm.  At that point I already knew there was no 3407 AD line on the outer ring but there was one on the upper side of the inner ring marked in blue dash near the center of the image.   By drawing a red dashed line along the side where the Comet 1680 mass red line meets the earth mass red line (small solid red circle), it intersected rather precisely where the 3407 AD blue line meets the 3982.5 AD blue line marked with a small red solid circle.  A fourth solid blue line meets in the same place representing the Jupiter mass line. Also the 2256 AD line is very close.  Five lines should not accidentally meet at a common point.
There are an additional six Comet 1680 mass lines in lavender.  The two lines just above the solar mass line seems to point at a couple circles in the court just at the end of the word Jupiter at center right. These two lines have the distinction of being 329.8538 feet in length and at the precise same azimuth when drawn from left to right. This confirms the scale factor to be accurate and intentional. The other Comet mass lines have not been discovered to have a meaningful relationship at this time.
The Venus mass line is so close to the earth mass line it wasn’t shown for clarity.  The Mercury and Mars lines are similarly close but the Mars line intersects the Jupiter mass line further to the right.  It is not obvious what if anything it might mean.  However, it appears that they all fit something and therefore collectively add to the design intention.
If Comet 1680 is actually a white dwarf, which there are many in the Milky Way, then it is compressed to a material for which we have no information as to how it would behave being heated as a sun-grazing comet.  See the Wikipedia article “White dwarf” for a discussion of the typical mass of white dwarfs.  Typical densities were tested herein such as 1 metric ton per cubic centimeter which then allows one to calculate the size in cubic centimeters and that huge number converts to something near earth size at 4312 mile radius. If the density is decreased by a factor of ten, then the Comet 1680 is indicated to be something closer to Jupiter size but made of a material referenced in the Wikipedia article “White Dwarf” called “electron-degenerate matter”.
There are several calculation scenarios for computing the orbital path of a comet. See Wikipedia article .  Most of the comets we would use the first method “Small Body orbiting a central body” where the solar mass is the central body.  However, for a binary scenario, both the solar mass and the large body mass need to be accounted for.  This last scenario is appropriate for Comet 1680 and it is thought that the Horizon Small body data was developed in the small body scenario (as indicated in the name) and not in the large body scenario.  Therefore, the 575.5 year period is correct and the 9400 year cycle is not.
If the Comet 1680 mass is very high and with a super compressed density to a smaller than expected radius, whenever earth is on the same side of the sun as the approaching comet potentially all hell is maybe going to break loose from a human environment point of view.  There would be massive earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunami waves.  It didn’t happen in 1680 because the earth was apparently on the opposite side of the sun from the approaching Comet 1680, so it will happen in 2256 and again in 3407 AD.  The image seems to suggest that something really big happens in 3407 AD. The positioning from references all in the outer ring and then only in the inner ring might suggest a change in orbital path or even a polar shift. Whatever it is, it might be very detrimental to human life on earth. But since the Comet 1680 events continue on after 3407 AD, the image suggests that earth must have some type of survival although the 3982.5 AD event seems to be the weakest fit of all.  Perhaps the fire destroyed more of that leg than others.
Astronomers are quick to point out “it isn’t if by when a comet will strike the earth”.  However, Comet 1680 does not need to strike the earth, it just needs to come close enough to deform the crust and thereby causing terrible damage.
If the mass of Comet 1680 is higher than we suspect, it might be easier to move the earth than to substantially move the comet or just live with the consequences. With seven billion people now on earth and no telling how many more by 2256, some will likely survive somewhere. All our technology should be recorded in languages around the world, particularly the high altitude civilizations, so that mankind can develop faster next time. According to the Storyteller that follows, ancient civilizations often had to relocate because of disasters.  The trick is to either develop your technology soon enough to relocate, or become buds with people who do have that capability.  The task of moving 7 billion people just can not happen but fortunately all the ones living now will be gone in 2256 AD and beyond.
Edgar Cayce in relating a dream he had says that in 2158 AD he as a child told people he had lived 200 years earlier on earth as the Sleeping Prophet that in fact Cayce was. He said the people living then took him in a long cigar shaped metal ship that could fly very fast and they went back to the four states where he had lived, including Virginia Beach, and picked up written materials still available where the kid said they were.  He said New York had been hit with something like an earthquake, tsunami or war effort and was being rebuilt and that the Gulf of Mexico came far to the north and even to Nebraska in places.  Since Alabama was one place he lived and visited in his dream, he said there was water over some of Alabama.  Nebraska is about 3000 feet elevation and all of Alabama is under 700 feet elevation so for that to happen would have required some type of permanent crustal deformation.
Mr. Cayce Entity did make a few errors in his encyclopedic writings and one must wonder if he didn’t mean 2258 instead of 2158. The whole affair would fit together if that were the case.  He did match up with the Storyteller by saying the event he was talking about at a different time was 50,700 years ago and that the laser would be invented in 1958.  The first laser was fired in 1960 but all the research work was done a few years earlier.  His discussion took place in 1933 and he said the laser would be invented 25 years later. Twenty-five is a fairly round number.
On the other hand, Edgar’s dream might suggest that by that time in 2158 we have made contact with some aliens that look like us and they are trying to help us 100 years before the disaster in 2256. The 2256 event might only kill people along the coastal regions but still be a major disaster.  Our modern civilization is heavily dependent upon infrastructure so the only question is how much of the infrastructure survives or can be rebuilt fairly easily. Somehow it seems the Sumerians already did this once with clay tablets.
Perhaps this scenario suggests a reason why aliens are not particularly interested in settling on earth.  If a major disaster occurs every few thousand years or so, it might be better to live somewhere else.  There is indication that inhabitable planets are all over the place if you can get there. Obviously, our alien visitors can get there. If we knew that people like us live on many different planets, we would have no reason to preserve mankind by settling there. Perhaps we just need to fix earth for however many people survive.

Update 7-21-2018 Where Do We Look?

There needs to be some information on how we can look for Comet 1680 with the Hubble Device because where it now is maybe near its most distance point and traveling perhaps at its slowest velocity.  Below there is the red dashed leg that is 57.55 degrees ccw of the 2256 horizontal or zero point.  The huge orbital mark just northeast of the site using Google Earth indicates that nearly true north might be one clue. From information developed from Ursa Major (Big Dipper) some emphasis was placed on the circles alongside that 57.55 azimuth line.

With some good luck, the azimuths for the two most widespread stars using their declination angles for azimuths, Eta was at 49.31333 and Alpha was at 61.75083 degrees.  As it turned out, using Eta on the blue lower circle with dashed line and Alpha on the upper green circle and line, they happened to intersect right exactly on the red Comet 1680 line.  Two non-parallel lines must intersect somewhere, but for them to intersect right on the red line has to be design intent if there is more evidence.  When the third leg from the green circle to the blue circle was drawn and the azimuth was 315.566, it wasn’t hard to see the design intent could be 315.56926 as the earth orbital period of 31,556,926 seconds.  The method of construction is given on the right side of the image.

A copy of the green line was made and changed to blue and it fit the center to center blue circles below the red 57.55 line.  That line was extend to the opposite side of the Arkaim Image  and hit on a protrusion on a leg at 6:30pm shown below.

The use of various multiples of phi doubles down on the conclusion of design intent. A final checksum of 366.24999 suggests to me there is more information to follow.

It would appear to me that the main message is to look thru the Big Dipper area about one third the distances from stars Alpha to Eta to find Comet 1680 at approximately its aphelion (1967.7) or now just beginning its return.  If it is moving slowly, then a series of telescope sightings would need to be recorded over a fairly long period of time.  But if the mass is about 70% of the sun, it should be moving some other pieces around.  However, as the sun begins to accelerate Comet 1680, the smaller objects may fall behind in a streak.  This may be the disturbances being observed by the folks looking for Planet X.

The reader needs to think about this triangle.  All angles are created from known published data and so no data manipulation can occur.  Yet the designers apparently knew what could result and how it might be more easily discovered with the analysis herein. If this design intent turns out to be pertinent for Comet 1680 then it will have greatly improved our chances of finding it and perhaps having time to do something about it.

The red dashed line below was really the only good fit for the 82.6259 azimuth but this line also hit onto other features.  The length of the red line is drawn exactly equal in length to the circumference of the Comet 1680 Triangle in the image given above.  The actual distance is very close to 100/mercury2sun dimensionless ratio or 100/.387098 = 258.338 feet.  Why the Mercury distance was used is unclear for now.

Note also that the aligned leg has seven protrusions, marked with small black numerals. Perhaps another indication of the Big Dipper? Maybe the three small circles that the red dashed line goes thru is representative of small bodies that are disrupted by the passing of the heavy body Comet 1680.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to conclude this Arkaim Image is far more complex than even this analysis can fully ventilate.  Baring finding and obtaining the original survey notes, the image will need to be magnified to near maximum and the lines traced into AutoCAD.  Some type of artificial intelligence software along with data mining software can then be turned loose to perhaps get a much broader sense of what is being conveyed in the image.

It is not impossible that these were near ordinary earthly humans with some type of serious spiritual connection to no telling what.  But extraordinary humans do come along now and then.

Jim Branson

Retired Professional Engineering Manager


The Corroborating Story

Jim Summary of the Great Destroyer (Comet 1680)

There is on the internet in pieces the story that is going to be summarized here.  Because the internet version is embedded in a lot of irrelevant stories by others, only a technical summary is going to be given herein.  The Great Destroyer is the name given to Comet 1680 by the person telling the story.  How she comes to know the story is something the readers will have to discover on their own. You cannot help mankind by rejecting the story without cause.

However, as mentioned before, I have a very broad technical background and there is information in the story and technical jargon that most certainly did not come from a grade-school drop-out farm boy or anybody he could meet and understand. I have great confidence the story is inherently true.  Without her solid presentation that Comet 1680 had a precise period of 575.5 years it is not likely that the 57.55 degree interval would have been proven on the Arkaim Image. The reader may save mankind from destruction by giving the story the worthiness of serious study and by insisting the scientific community begin to prepare for 2256 AD. 

It is now a little more than half of the 575.5 year period gone by and the Comet 1680 will now be moving slowly back to the rendezvous in 2256 AD.  Momentum is the product of mass times velocity and the kinetic energy is ½ times mass times velocity squared.  So the Comet 1680 can be better dealt with when it is going slower. It also will be closer to the Kuiper Belt where it may be possible to shove one or more smaller bodies into the path and perhaps deflect it away from earth.  Considering how big of impact the 1680 visit had on the sunspot activity, it might not be a good idea to try and shove it into our sun.  It could adversely impact climate on earth for centuries or millennia.

The Story of the Great Destroyer.

The Comet 1680 has only been in orbit around our sun and passing near to earth for a few “millions of years” compared to the age of earth being billions of years.  Comet 1680 was initially a dark star or very massive planet of solid material versus say a gas planet like Jupiter, which was called an “unfinished star system” by the story teller. If the Great Destroyer is made of very dense material, it could have massive gravitation capabilities and yet due to small size be hard to see in telescopes and thereby allusive observational data for the JPL Horizon software. It would have been easy to put black smoke on a glass and then let the image shine on a piece of paper and mark the solar diameter and the comet distance and size.

“Deep in unknown space, in a space-time shifted sun system of the Milky Way, a solitary dark star floated far from the normal paths of the then sun-orbiting satellites. The very large sun that held the Great Destroyer exploded and sent the Great Destroyer and the other planets into space as huge missiles and then collapsed upon itself and tore a hole in the space fabric.  The Great Destroyer was ejected into space and then finally captured by another giant star in a solar system where it remained for more millions of years”, quoting the story teller.

Over a period of many millions of years it gradually increased its orbital speed and started getting closer to the sun star that captured it.  Finally, it got near the orbit of the outer, sixth planet of that system which was occupied by humans similar to the storyteller.  The civilization was nearly destroyed and reduced to 1/3 of the number before the encounter.

The Great Destroyer moved inward very slowly to the fifth planet and due to the timing from the sixth planet made only a few earthquakes and volcanoes and left that civilization relatively unscathed.

As it continued inward to the 4th unpopulated dwarf planet a near collision annihilation came about and half of this dwarf was destroyed in the capturing sun and neighboring suns where some parts were captured.  The remaining half was flung towards a “highly advanced man-made dimension door” and came into the space-time fabric of our DERN Universe and into the area of the Milky Way and eventually into our solar system.

This partial planet continued on a very long journey and was impacted many times until it achieved an almost spherical shape. The original planet was a few million years older than earth.

As the partial planet came into earth’s solar system it passed thru the outer planet orbits unscathed and only bumped into one or more pieces in our asteroid belt.  It finally achieved a path parallel to the second planet, earth, as Venus had not arrived yet.  It was captured by earth and became the moon as we know it today. The fact that our astronauts found the materials of the moon to be really similar to earth are a fundamental fact of natural creation, and not a result of an earth-moon collision.

Back to the Great Destroyer, because it had picked up mass from the 4th planet and its course altered by encounters with the inner three planets and it passed very near to the sun of that system.  It was then flung into the depths of space to take a similar path that the asteroid (now our moon) had taken a long time ago and therefore also passed through the highly advanced man-made dimension door and into the space-time fabric of our DERN Universe and  into the Milky Way and on to our solar system.

As told by the story teller and by the art work of 1680-1682 era, Comet 1680 had an enormous tail in both width and length.  It could be seen on earth even at mid-day. Normal comets have a tail generated by the sun boiling off materials from the comet materials, some thought to be ice.  The Great Destroyer Comet has a permanent radiance and the comet body has radiance, though not near as wide as the tail. The solar wind would make the tail bend around to appear like a normal comet.

Since that time it has been Comet 1680 and has had very large impact on earth climate and habitat for millions of years.  In the year 1773 BC an earth sized planet came under its influence and was dragged within 600,000 km of our sun and was captured in orbit as the now second planet, namely Venus.  During that flyby, the Great Destroyer triggered the volcano Santorini which caused a disastrous eruption in the Mediterranean Sea and serious ramifications to Egypt.  It should be pointed out that the 1773BC event was one of the green events marked as mild in the Arkaim Image.

If the storyteller knew about Immanuel Velikovsky and his theory that Venus had been a comet, she did not mention it. According to her story, Venus was not a comet but had been dragged here by the massive dark star Destroyer Comet 1680. One can see that the mass of the Great Destroyer Comet must have been substantially more than Venus in order to drag it along behind and only the superior gravity of our sun was able to snatch it away and place it in an orbit where it is now.  By the way that orbit distance is 2^(128/12) to eight digits in the 2000 epoch data. The number system of 2^(1/12) is the foundation for all our music tuning.  The number 128 is 2^(7).

She goes on to elaborate that Comet 1680 had caused the Great Deluge of 8104 BC, some 17 cycles into the past from 1680.  Her concern is that the orbital path is still very complex and even with their expertise they are not sure what will happen in 2256 when it returns on its quite precise 575.5 year period but substantial variation in location.The 2256 AD event will position the earth on the incoming and outgoing trajectory.

The story provides a reason for why the Arkaim builders went to all the trouble they did to call attention to Comet 1680.  If it is the mass indicated in the story and from observations in the year 1680, then it is going to be something difficult to deal with and we might need as much time as possible to come up with viable solutions. The story teller indicates that people from her civilization were able to build disaster-proof housing and survive the disruptive forces of the closer flyby.

Even our most powerful current spacecraft are relatively slow and could not reach beyond our solar system in decades.  It might be possible to manipulate a larger asteroid into some type of impact position, but hitting one high speed bullet with another is not only difficult, but the results are highly unpredictable.

Unless you have been living under a rock all your life, thousands of different alien craft have been visiting earth for millennia.  Some say they have made contact even with President Eisenhower but that they wanted us to give up our dirty (radioactive) nuclear weapons in exchange for advanced knowledge on space travel.  However, it is clear the aliens were here long before we developed nuclear weapons, so that argument may not be the whole story.

Probably our best alternative is to make friends with aliens that have the capability of deflecting Comet 1680 before its return in 2256 although it could be subsequent events that are the most destructive when again they appear in the upper dark area of the Arkaim Image.  It seems likely that the preservation of free will is the highest command objective of any galactic federation and perhaps there is some way to make a deal.  Overt contact with aliens is likely to happen soon anyway and it is hoped they will be the friendly version and not some dominating civilization.  However, domination might be a lot better than Armageddon and annihilation, at least for a while. The reader should do some soul searching and begin pushing for a change in our thinking about aliens.

The civilization associated with the story teller spent millions and millions of years reaching some type of governmental stability and have only been that way for about 50,000 years. They have chosen a “near democracy” where the leaders are a select group of very intelligent members called the “high council”.  This high council does not have absolute power over the population, but the population treats it that way. We surely could come up with something better than the warmonger attitudes we have now.  We simply need to solve our differences other than by wars. Certainly the weak-kneed United Nations was a step in that direction.  Perhaps we need to try harder.

It is clear democracy does not work if the voters are too stupid to know they are being lied to.  The voting qualifications need to be raised substantially.  Look how many people vote differently when they become older compared to their youthful years.

It is my hope some of the readers will initiate an advance on the concepts provided herein.

bransonjim9 at gmail dot com     Jim Branson Retired Professional Engineering Manager

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my latest work 5-22-2024 gives additional info on how to use Google Earth using modeling mode to achieve precision dimensions from far less precise direct measures.

Direct quotation from the Story Teller ( I had trouble following, so I injected comments)

This story was recorded in German by a person who was taught by a computer to speak German.  The terminology shouts this to be true.

You are right, because today I want to tell you something which will be of interest not only to you but to everyone. It is a somewhat strange sounding story, but which will raise a lot of dust through the interest of the people, because it sounds too fantastic for all those who have not yet discovered or developed their spiritual-consciousness based thinking.

Intellectual ability is unfortunately not enough to be able to grasp the story. But human beings who are just intellectual is what you have a lot of on Earth; and of all people they are often the ones who lack spiritual-consciousness based knowledge, and because of this they can't develop an understanding of the real and the logical. With these must also be mentioned those who are misled by religions, and those who are neither advanced in intellect nor in spiritual consciousness. They all are the most evil opponents of the truth, of the real and of the irrefutable Creative logic. Their criticism and their denial of certain things portray them as human beings living in primitive stupidity. Earth human beings who always want to know everything better, but who in reality are as ignorant as the ape creatures that populate your jungles. By their contesting of facts or possibilities they make their consciousness-related narrowness and their primitiveness evident.

Jim: This is an argument against people who think everything is a hoax or somehow faked by the author.  Their primary focus is to find a single thing which they think can be proven wrong and then they want to throw out the whole affair.

Among other things, they have already become too effeminate and fallen to unreality, to be able to recognize true undiplomacy as reality, and to be able to digest it. They have become soft and atrophied in their thinking, acting and speaking, so they rebel against and resist everything that sounds like hard truth. But the truth can only be spread through harshness, just like peace can only be enforced through sheer forcible non-violence (gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit).

I know, and you have found out the truth or the approximate truth in many things. Naturally, we are also not aware of all the events and data in detail, but we are informed about them to a large extent. So hear the story, then:

Your earthly chronology is not very accurate, and it is only halfway oriented towards the facts. Even your own reckonings don't exactly match, though they are the most accurate which have ever been calculated by a human being on Earth. Your calculations vary only by the small amount of around 200 years, whereas the calculations of your scientists and researchers reveal gaps of several thousand years. A fact which you can recalculate at any time based on my data, which I will give to you here. Many researchers on Earth have been trying from time immemorial to work out the exact time of the flood known to you from the Bible, but without any success worth mentioning.

According to the current Christian chronology, the flood took place exactly 10079 years ago. It was triggered by a global catastrophe of cosmic origin, as a gigantic comet threw the Earth out of its orbit and changed its orbital period and direction of rotation.  At the time a day on Earth amounted to more than 40 hours, and the sun did not rise from the east as it does today. Such orbital period and rotation direction changes have stricken the Earth twice after the flood, but they have not brought such devastating disasters as the ones caused by the said flood. The last catastrophe of this kind took place 3500 years ago, of which however, I will still speak later. The flood of 10079 years ago (based on the year 1975) was caused by a gigantic comet, which has already caused immense damage, and which pulls through the Universe from time immemorial. We call it the "Destroyer", and we know it has been racing through space for millions of years. According to your chronology, this dangerous comet has an orbital period of 575,5 years, and on the year 2255 of your chronology it will once again pass very dangerously through the area of the Earth, if its course is not changed through any cosmic circumstances or by our planned efforts, or even destroyed by us.  (If they can’t destroy it, who can?)The last passage of this comet took place 295 years ago (counting from 1975), and precisely on the year 1680. 10079 years ago this gigantic comet, which was created through a natural cosmic catastrophe, came very close to the area of the Earth and almost destroyed it. Only the knowledge and abilities of our ancestors, who had settled on Earth and generated their descendants here, prevented the dire end. Even on the subsequent millennia the gigantic comet was always a great threat for the Earth - and it will still remain so until it is finally destroyed or diverted.  The last great catastrophe that came out of this comet took place around 3500 years ago, as I mentioned earlier. To be precise it was 3453 years ago in your chronology. (3453 before 1680)

Through this comet an event occurred which is very rare in the Universe, namely a planet transplantation:

Through the enormous power of this gigantic comet, on a planetary system very far from the SOL system, a planet on the first stages of developing life was thrown out of its orbit and sent out into space, on a parallel trajectory to the destructive giant comet.

For over 130 years this planet followed far behind the giant, only infinitely slowly deviating from this path.

Jim: looks like 6 x 575.5 =3453. Data on Santonni suggests the eruption around 1600 BC.  By calculation from Comet 1680 period it would have been 1773 BC

Then, 3453 years ago, the Destroyer came into the Earth's solar system, and through its gigantic forces it forced the planetary orbits into disarray.  As it passed by the Earth, it wrapped it in its huge tail and shook it very hard. Huge storms and volcanic eruptions were the result. People and animals died in large masses, mountains were moved and the ocean depths changed. On the Mediterranean sea, the magma walls of the Santorini volcano were torn down low and large quantities of water entered it.

This caused a huge disaster, because the volcano exploded as a result and destroyed the island.  The explosion produced a gigantic storm surge which grew to 2000 meters up in the sky, and swept across the sea like a primeval monster. Everything was killed and crushed by it, and the water turned blood red. In Egypt, this storm surge flooded vast areas and gave rise to all sorts of plagues, while the flood wave returned and raced northeastward across the sea, to the eastern shore of the sea in present-day Syria, to destroy wide areas and every port city.

The comet still shot through the Earth's solar system, round the sun and back into space, to return 575,5 years later. The planet which, carried along, had slowly been following in its wake, and which had approximately the same size as the Earth, passed by it at a distance of around 600,000 kilometers, and was captured by the attraction of the sun.

Due to its gigantic force it forced the new planet into an orbit between its nearest satellites, namely between Mercury and Earth.  And since then, this "transplanted" and "foreign" planet has been known to the Earth people, who call it Venus.

Jim: Numerous earth folks have long discussed the possibility that Venus was a late to come planet,  Immanuel Velikovsky being one.

 Surely, but I am not finished yet, because I would like to explain even more primordial things to you; the early history of this comet that is so fateful to the Earth, which has also brought the satellites here, the Moon - a fragment of a small planet from a very distant sun system.

The Earth's Moon, which comes from a planet that is 4,5 million years older than the Earth.  It happened millions of years ago. Deep in unknown space, in a space-time shifted sun system of the Milky Way, a solitary star floated far from the normal paths of the sun-orbiting satellites.

It was a dark star, devoid of any life and very dangerous in it unpredictable path, into which it had been flung by a massive eruption of its original sun. This happened as its original sun shattered through all-convulsive explosions, and in its destruction partially destroyed its orbiting satellites, or hurled them out as dangerous projectiles into the dark space.

The sun then collapsed into itself and tore a hole in cosmic space. Its matter pressed itself together with tremendous force and was compressed into a small mass. The sun, which in its normal vibrant state had a diameter of eleven million kilometers, had now shrunk to only around 4,2 kilometers.

The material became so compressed through this, that a single cubic centimeter weighed several thousand tons. Since then it floats as a dark gaping hollow in space, which within a perimeter of millions of kilometers, tears into itself everything that it is able to grasp and which falls into its spell.


The dark star which had been slung from it was again caught by a neighboring sun system, and circled it in an unpredictable path. In the force field of the giant sun, it circled for many thousands of years, along with its satellites, carrying with it the promise of someday bringing down a catastrophe upon the system.

Still far from the actual worlds, the lifeless dark planet wandered through cosmic space. Vast and inapproachable, it floated through the freezing cold of cosmic space - as an outcast, as a wandering planet, as a stranger in a strange system; dark, dangerous and deadly.

Under the spell of the far-reaching force arms of the sun, during the course of millennia it approached more and more the actual area of the system's satellites, which it had already circled for so long in an ever-increasing speed.

Imperceptibly, its orbit continuously became tighter and tighter, and year after year the extent of the danger grew. With the succession of millennia, it finally came to suddenly and unexpectedly rush into the closest orbit of the sun and its planets. As a rapacious monster it emerged from the blackness of space and announced deadly destruction.

First it was just like a silhouette out of nowhere; but as time went on it could be indistinctly recognized as a half-darkened round disk. And now, already illuminated by the rays of the sun which it reflected, it approached with tremendous speed the orbit of the outermost planet.

It was still removed by millions of units from the actual heart of the peaceful calm, which however, on account of its enormous size, it would soon have to turn into a seething hell when it entered the stillness of this harmony. But time still went by for the time being, before the giant finally broke away from its path and came into dangerous proximity.

Now already visible as a round sphere, the Destroyer reflected the sunlight while pulling a fine veil of luminous particles behind.

Still only a few hundred units away from the nearest worlds, it caused infernal storms in these, which destroyed large areas that had been built by the peaceful human beings which had emerged there. Trembling for their hard-earned goods and their already hard life, they found themselves suddenly abandoned to the powerful and merciless forces of the Universe.

Helpless, condemned to be handed over from life to death, they stared out into the sky, to the gigantic wandering planet which came racing like a cosmic death missile.  It was only a matter of time before the forces of the cosmos would come to display their monstrous powers.

On the night of the third day after the incursion of the Destroyer into the orbit of the planets, it might have been shortly past midnight when the drifter from outer space penetrated into the elliptical orbit of the sixth planet. Causing enormous cosmic storms, it threw the planet belonging to this path some units off of its direction, and brought it into a dangerous course towards the sun. Tremendous eruptions and storms tore apart the peaceful appearance of the flourishing planet. Mountains collapsed into themselves and seas were hurled from their beds as it settled into a new path around the sun.

Filled with horror and consternation over the mighty forces of nature, the people fled to the vast plains which were scattered all over the planet. But the unleashed forces of Nature were stronger than the will and the ideas of preservation of the people. Two thirds of the human beings inhabiting that planet were killed and destroyed in the hell that was unleashed by Nature. Wild waters tore away large parts of the mainland, while exploding volcanoes buried vast areas under glowing lava and turned everything into rubble and ashes. The daily rotation time doubled, and the planet circled the sun in the opposite direction.

Jim:This is still a distant system

Forced by cosmic determinations, the survivors had to find a new beginning, devoid of any culture and transported back to a primeval development period. The Destroyer however, continued its incursion into the system, spreading hell, death and destruction.

It crossed the course of the fifth planet, a world about to generate its first life. This one however, was fortunately too far from its path at the time of the event, to be seriously affected by it.

Jim:The sixth was destroyed but the fifth survived

Besides powerful storms and minor earth and sea quakes, no significant incidents were worthy of note.

The fourth satellite on the system, however, would find its destruction on a war of the worlds. As the smallest of the satellites, it stoically moved along its trajectory, and the prediction was that it would cross the path of the wanderer precisely as the latter would stand directly in front of it. And that is exactly what happened:

It fell into the irresistible force of destruction of the giant.

Like two wild monsters the two planets rushed against each other; a giant and a dwarf. But before the two could collide, huge explosions ripped the lifeless dwarf planet. Its fragments were hurled into the endless expanse of the Universe, where they were captured by the forces of other stars as shooting stars or meteors, and found their final end burning out in their atmospheres.

Additional parts of the dwarf were pulled into the sun and atomized. Other parts were drawn into the Destroyer, becoming a part of it. As if hurled by a giant fist, one half of the dwarf planet shot through a highly developed, man-made dimension door, into the infinite expanses of space of the Milky Way, a very distant destination.

Several times it was shaken and pulled from its path in the vicinity of suns and planets, and hit by meteors and shooting stars, thereby changing its shape. After a few centuries it had already reached a roughly round shape.

Jim: The fourth was shattered and passed thru the man made dimension door and was beaten into a round shape

It was however dead and desolate, covered by many small and large craters and unsuitable for life. Through the forces of the various systems, it gradually lost the initial speed and changed course several times, until one day it was attracted by the sun of a system and drawn into its orbit.

As a dark, dead planet it passed through all the planetary orbits of the outer rings without causing any damage. Only on the inner rings did it collide with some fragments of a destroyed planet, which however only tore a deep crater in it. Through this, its course was once again slightly changed, and as a result became parallel with the path of the second planet, which had already begotten its first primitive life.

Jim: it entered our solar system and bumped into an asteroid and then was captured by earth as our moon long before Venus arrived.

A planet that was covered by vast seas and dense primeval forests, primitive, deadly and gruesomely fantastic. From this point on, 34 days passed until this planet, namely the Earth, caught the dwarf and submitted it to its spell. The forces of the planet were enough to tie the dwarf to itself and let it circle around it as a new satellite, on a constantly changing elliptical orbit.

Jim: Our moon is on a constantly changing elliptical orbit.

Since then, it orbits around the Earth as the Moon; 4,5 million years older than its mother star. On the distant sun system however, the Destroyer raged on.

Jim:Now back to the Destroyer

Devastating everything in its path, with unimaginable force it flung the innermost planet of that system against the sun, before which at a million fold distance it destroyed itself through powerful eruptions, and turned into the smallest fragments it fell into the sun and was atomized.

The Destroyer itself was driven by a few units from its previous course, and passed dangerously close to the sun and back into the depths of space, to take the same path that the asteroid had taken a long time ago, therefore also passing through the highly advanced man-made dimension door, and coming into the space-time fabric of our DERN Universe and into the area of the Milky Way and consequently, also into the SOL system.

Jim: The destroyer is now following the path of the Moon.  Still a long time ago.

Due to the incredible heat of the blazing sun, the surface of the dangerous wanderer had liquefied itself, and the glowing substances and particles which, due to its raging speed were continuously flung from it, generated a glowing tail hundreds of thousands of units long, luminous like the Destroyer planet itself, which had now become a deadly comet.

Through the zero temperature of space, the surface of the wanderer quickly froze again. Its luminosity however remained, as well as the glowing tail. Countless myriads of tiny particles and substances cover it since then, overflowing and being dragged as a long tail behind it, when it comes into the vicinity of a sun; glowing and pointing the path of the comet to the creatures of the Universe.

Due to a continuous stream of meteor dust, particles, substances and the corpuscular radiation of the sun, it will never lose its radiance, until the day when it falls prey to its destruction.

For millennia or even millions of years it will wander through space, until it is turned to dust by the friction of the particles, or is captured and destroyed by a sun. Perhaps one day humans will destroy it, just like it has already destroyed billions of lives itself.

Millions of years have gone by since its creation, and its course is still unpredictable. Through many cosmic forces, it very often changes its course in the SOL system unexpectedly, and endangers among others the unfinished sun systems of Jupiter and Saturn.

On the whole however, its dangerous path is so stable that during the course of 575 1/2 years it always passes through the same planetary systems, although with variations in distance of up to one million kilometers.

Jim:back to the original sun system where the destroyer came from.

The population of that distant sun system, by then decimated by two thirds, found a new beginning, which was hard and full of privations. Still, in less than 9 centuries they built up a new civilization and culture; created and driven out of the adversity inflicted by the cosmic powers. The peoples succeeded in preventing further cosmic catastrophes and destructions. Through arduous research, work and voluntary efforts until the very end, they created plans for their new culture and for a wide ranging technology.

Nature forces-safe dwellings were built, and generation after generation contributed its knowledge and skills. Their spirit, their consciousness and their knowledge rapidly refined themselves, and soon the following generations had reached a technique which defied all possibilities.

And there came a time when the descendants flew out into the infinite expenses of the Universe with round, saucer-like ships with beam drives. Other sun systems and planets were approached and explored. New worlds and possibilities were opened up to transplant the peoples from their planet, which in the meantime had become too small for the new mankind.

The scientists with their spaceships, their profusely equipped resources of all types and fantastic application possibilities, used the known to them dimension portal to enter the Milky Way area and search for ever new things. They found many new habitable worlds and sun systems, which they often subjugated with their ray weapons in short one-sided battles, in order to conquer them for the settlement of their race.

In addition to their monstrous material and genetic technique, they also perfected their consciousness and their spirit, and nothing that they wanted to learn remained strange to them any longer.

The use of their consciousness powers became self-evident to them, and so they rose more and more above their peoples to rule them. They called themselves kings of wisdom by the word JHWH, which is translated on Earth as God.

Far superior to the ordinary people in spirit and knowledge, as well as in consciousness, they soon ruled it in an evil dictatorial form. But after some centuries, having grown tired of the godly scientists, the people rose against them, initially in a silent revolution.

But weighed down by the spiritual and consciousness-related powers and by the immense knowledge of the gods, the people were forced to submit to their rulers. However, the desire for freedom made them prepare for battle in secret. Like a smoldering embers it glowed for four centuries, to conflagrate at a given moment as a wild, untamable blaze.

It was about 230,000 years ago by Earth's time, when the liberation war broke out.  Evil battles covered many planets and much was destroyed. A scientist named Asael took the opportunity to make himself independent and flee. Secretly, he was able take possession of a large fleet of spaceships, to man them and to escape under heavy fighting activity.

With 183 Great Spacers and 250 Explorer class ships with a total of 360,000 people on board, he fled from his home system. For years they moved restlessly through the vastness of space, until one day they found a sun system which offered them living possibilities, far away from their home system. Three hundred years passed since their occupation of the planet, until they created a new humanity.

Then they settled two more planets of their new home system, to then again travel through the Universe in exploration. Through this they came upon the system of the Earth's sun. They came down on three different planets here, namely on Earth, on Malona and on Mars, and started to build a new culture.

But the planets were still quite inhospitable and often hostile. So, they abandoned the planets and only visited them from time to time. When intelligent life first started to move on the second planet, the Earth, they came back and lived there. As it is human nature, however, power struggles broke out, and they left the Earth.

From the new home planet, Earth's development was constantly monitored and expeditions were made every year. From time to time there were always new attempts to colonize the planet. Individuals were also deported to Earth and simply left to their fate, without any technology or help. They wasted away and became wild and beastly.

Then finally the day came, when the great step was finally dared. A certain culture was built on Earth, which lasted for several thousand years. But once again the thirst for power broke out, and everything was destroyed.

So the Earth fell back to its old existence. It took a few thousands of years more until a new attempt was made, but this time not in the sense of an actual expedition: On the home planet dissension broke out again, because once again the scientists set themselves up as gods and struck the peoples into bondage. From this resulted that a group of dissenting scientists and other people banded together and took possession of several spaceships.

About 70,000 human beings escaped and settled on Earth. Their supreme leader Pelegon was freely recognized by all as a JHWH (God) and held a strict rule. He had two hundred sub-leaders, each of which was responsible for a specific field of knowledge. They were sub-gods, so to speak, and were also called Guardians.

On the home planet, war broke out and much was destroyed once again. However, the people finally reached freedom and peace. This has remained so ever since and it will never change again either.

That was around 50,000 years ago according to terrestrial chronology. Only on the Earth, things were not always so peaceful, and many mistakes were committed. And through one of those mistakes were the first human races of Earth created, whose descendants still live today and are about to commit the same mistakes that their ancestors have.

At our fifth contact, we ended the history of mankind where some 50,000 years ago in Earth chronology, our home world found peace and liberty.

They indicate they have been at peace for 50,000 years, so the departure of these waring 70,000 people rid them of disagreement.  However, in other revelations Semjase indicates their government was made up of the most intelligent folks and this government was more of a recommending agency than a forceful one. See note far below regarding comments by Cayce.

Shortly before this time, 70,000 human beings fled under the leadership of Pelegon. There is a modern Pelagonia in Greece.

In spacecraft which they took by force, they fled through the cosmos and settled here on Earth. Under Pelegon were 200 sub leaders, scientists, competent in their special fields of knowledge. By these, and others, Pelegon was unanimously acknowledged as "King of Wisdom" [1] and was regarded as such. In the course of millenniums, they constructed great cities and inhabited all the continents of Earth.

Regrettably this went well for only a narrow 10,000 years, until desires for power and control prevailed once more, and a deadly war raged over all the earth. Without exception all was destroyed, and only a few thousand human beings survived [on Earth] while others fled once again into the cosmos and settled far away worlds.

For 7,000 years none returned to Earth, and the humans left behind degenerated and became completely wild. Then later descendants of those who had settled on faraway worlds returned. They were again under the leadership of an IHWH,[2] under whose command they built on Atlantis and Mu.[3]  They built huge cities on each of the two separate continents.

For thousands of years they lived in friendship and peace, until a few scientists were again overcome by the old thirst for might and power, and tried to seize the government.

However having tired of wars, this time the nations rose up against them, and so they occupied spaceships and fled into cosmic space; that being some 15,000 years ago in Earth chronology.[4]

For two millenniums, they and their descendants lived in a neighboring solar system. Two millenniums during which they had become very evil[5] and only maintained order under strictest control.[6]

By mutations and their sciences,[7] they extended their lifespans to some thousands of years. Overcome by their thirst for power, they left their world about 13,000 years ago and returned to Earth. Their highest leader was the scientist "Arus",[8] who was also referred to as "The Barbarian"...

Much like the JHWH[9]40,000 years before him, he also had 200 leaders and sub leaders, who were competent in their respective specialist scientific fields. In two groups, they settled in the then high north, the present Florida of North America today, concurrently continuously attacking Atlantis and Mu in wars.

During only the first few millenniums after their occupation of Earth bases began, they succeeded in destroying [the civilizations of] Atlantis and Mu completely. The remaining few survivors were exiled into servitude, while many great scientists were able to flee, returning to their home worlds in the Plejares. But centuries before this point in time, the intruders boasted of their conquest of Earth, and JHWH Arus led a severe and bloody regime.

Still his sub-leaders assumed for themselves many things and became more and more independent. Within only three decades they had gone far in their own decision making, even though they feared the punishments of the JHWH Arus. They advocated a codex, to under all circumstances maintain their own respective race and to not allow it to fall to mutations away from their genesis.

Secretly and in a forbidden manner, they went out and caught wild Earth creatures as well as the distant descendant human beings who were formerly those with an origin in cosmic space, but which had genetically evolved in alignment with the Earth.

The beautiful but wild female beings were tamed and mated with by the sub-leaders who referred to themselves as the "Sons of Heaven". They created mutated beings, each according to their own race as well as variously completely new forms of life, those which were of dwarf like stature, gigantic and the animal-like beings.[10]

Semjasa,[11] the highest leader of the sub-leaders, mated with an Eva, a female being, who was still mostly human-like and also rather beautiful (in feature and form). The descendent of this act was of male sex and a human being of good form. Semjasa called his son "Adam", which was a word in his language which meant "Earth human being".

A similar breeding produced a female, and in later years they were mated to each other. Similarly meanwhile, others had been produced, who then formed groups and tribes. From these, present Earth mankind developed...

JHWH Arus was angered by these activities, so he seized his sub-leaders, when ever he could catch them, exiled even killed them. In time he changed in his mentality and recognized a new power could be exercised over the Earth human beings. With newly appointed sub-leaders and guard angels, he brought three human races under his control.

These were the ancestors of those who today are known as; Indians; the fair-skinned inhabitants who had settled around the Black Sea; and the third were the Gypsies along the south of the Mediterranean Sea, who were called Hebrews. Through his guard-angels, JHWH Arus subjugated these races, forcing them under his control.

As the highest ruler, he allowed himself to become venerated and adored by them. He even allowed them to venerate him above the Creation[12] itself, along with his sub-leaders as assistant creators. He imposed harsh and severe laws demanding the blood of the guilty.

His third born son Jehav[13] took over his dominion but was little better for he too, as JHWH, demanded only blood and death from these three enslaved races. The later descendants of these Jschwjschs steadily became increasingly more humane and developed a degree of spirituality in their conduct.

This spiritual evolution changed them in their mentality, toward deciding to leave the developments of the Earth beings to their natural course and so they retired to their home-world, leaving Earth they returned peacefully to the Plejares, where their own mankind had reached advanced states.

United, we today live together as an allied population with the liberty of peace.

These are the essentials that are important for Earth beings to know, that we Plejaren visiting Earth feel we ought convey as our vested interests in coming here over, from what is our own belligerent and often chaotic past, and, perceiving yet another atomic devastation by the scientists as a new ascendency, as a legacy to us from your own history, we seek to head it off wherever possible.

Further necessary knowledge regards a cosmic change, which I have already once spoken about. It concerns the "Age of Aquarius", which is also called the "Golden Age". In this respect I must first explain that the religious interpretations concerning this epoch are wrong. An evidently irresponsible fanaticism handles this as the religiously proclaimed "final days". But by no means is this new age a final time, because in truth it brings real life. This new epoch enables everything to develop toward its highest potential, including spirit, according to providence. But it will take many more centuries beyond entering this chapter to reach such advanced developed levels.

At first, as usual, the irreligious scientists will profit from the newly emerging advances while the common people remain restrained by their religions. The change of epoch will cause religious individuals to will fall into a certain fanatical religious delusion. Especially during the 184 years of time of these changes. Religious beliefs of all sorts will shoot up like mushrooms all over the place, bringing many humans under their control.

Murder, suicide and exploitation of all kinds, as well as a religious slavery to false beliefs will be the daily lot, by which the whole world will be shaken. False prophets will publicly offer salvation in a fanatical search for new victims and followers. This is the initial phase of the "Golden Age", its the 184 year transitional phase. The culmination of this period will come in 2028. The revolutionary force of this new epoch had begun in 1844, and since then the extensive alterations on Earth have rushed irresistibly forward.

The New Age already enacts its paean as an arrangement of religious delusion, rapidly developing sciences, rampant crime and extirpating wars, all characteristics of this time, which cannot be ignored. The first half of the transitional period proceeded for 92 years, up until 1936, while the Earth felt the last of the "Age of Pisces" [as it was called].

The characteristics for this time, its rapidly evolving events, discoveries, inventions, etc., are unlike any other during any previous time. This whole star-system along with all its innumerable creatures are now under the influence and control of this new age. Each and every living thing is influenced by it, because these changes fall under the cosmic natural laws.

Its these specific cosmic natural laws, which subject all planets to their movements and therefore all forms of life in the Universe, of which now Earth proceeds in its turn of these cosmic related events since 1844, which according to evolution replaces all hitherto existing regulations not in the Creational character.

The origin of these epochal changes is inside the changing radiation effects from the central sun[14] around which your entire system cycles once every 25,860 years, passing through 12 individual epochs, similar to within the terminology of your astrologer’s Zodiacs.

The Earth has already passed through into the outermost preliminary borders of this "Golden Radiation" coming from the central sun, which is of the strongest and the most revolutionary radiation of all.

But there's also much mischief connected with this transition, quite especially with respect to religions and their uses of new discoveries and overall achievements.

The way-showers during these changes are in cosmic destiny and appear under Creations laws.

The way-preparers for these revolutions are also human beings who, as prophets and teachers, announce the truths of knowledge and of spiritual wisdom.

These way-preparers will be considered revolutionaries, heretics, and exiles, for they will announce the truths for all to see.

These revelations are of much interest, and also of great importance to all humans and you should spread the word by all means. This is our desire.






